Unwaxed Lemons

Sale price£1.95

Italian unwaxed lemons are prized for their pure, natural state, free from the wax coating commonly applied to other lemons. These lemons are typically more significant, with a vibrant yellow skin that may have some natural blemishes or texture variations, indicating their untreated nature. The lack of wax allows for the full flavour and aroma of the lemon to shine through, making them incredibly fragrant and flavorful. The flesh inside is juicy and tart, with a bright, refreshing acidity that enhances various dishes and beverages. Unwaxed lemons are also rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients, making them a healthy addition to any diet.

Italian unwaxed lemons can be used in numerous ways to add fresh citrus flavour to your meals. You can slice the lemons into wedges or slices to garnish drinks, salads, or seafood dishes. Squeezing the fresh juice over salads, into water, or using it in cooking and baking recipes is another great option. Since the peel is unwaxed, it can be safely zested to add intense lemon flavour to dishes, desserts, and cocktails. Additionally, you can thinly slice the lemons and add them to water or tea for an infusion of flavour and nutrients.

Italian unwaxed lemons are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of culinary applications. In cooking, add fresh lemon juice or zest to marinades, dressings, sauces, and soups to enhance the flavours. In baking, use the juice and zest in cakes, cookies, muffins, and pastries for a bright, citrusy flavour. In beverages, squeeze the juice into water, tea, or cocktails for a refreshing twist. Lemon slices or wedges can also be used as a garnish. For preservation, you can make preserved lemons by fermenting them in salt and lemon juice, which can be used in a variety of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes. Lastly, the natural acidity of unwaxed lemons makes them an excellent choice for natural cleaning solutions and as a fresh scent for household cleaning. 

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