Sugar Cane

Sale price£3.95

Fresh sugar cane is a tall, perennial grass native to the lush tropical regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia. Its stout, jointed stalks are filled with sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes, making it a natural source of sweetness. The green or purple canes can reach several meters in height, creating an enchanting sight in tropical landscapes.

One of the simplest and most enjoyable ways to consume sugar cane is by chewing on the raw stalks, releasing a sweet and refreshing juice. To do this, peel away the tough outer bark to reveal the fibrous inner core. Chew on the core to extract the delicious juice, and then discard the remaining fibrous material. You can also cut sugar cane into smaller, manageable segments for easier consumption.

In many tropical countries, fresh sugar cane juice is a popular beverage, often enjoyed as a stand-alone treat or mixed with other fruit juices. It's even used as a refreshing ingredient in cocktails and can be enhanced with a squeeze of lime or lemon.

Beyond its role in beverages, sugar cane has a wide range of culinary applications. It can add natural sweetness to various dishes and be used to create syrups and molasses. In some culinary traditions, sugar cane serves as skewers for grilling, imparting a subtle sweetness to meats and vegetables.

Size: 250g