Sour Sop

Sale price£30.00

Soursop, also known as graviola or guanabana, is a unique tropical fruit distinguished by its spiky green exterior and soft, fibrous white flesh. The flavour of soursop is a delightful mix of sweet and tangy, often likened to a combination of strawberry and pineapple with citrus notes. Rich in dietary fibre, vitamin C, and several B vitamins, soursop is not only tantalising to the taste buds but also offers a host of health benefits, including antioxidant properties.

To enjoy soursop, slice the fruit open and scoop out the creamy flesh, being careful to remove the large, inedible seeds. The fruit can be eaten fresh or used to enhance the flavour and texture of smoothies, fruit juices, and desserts. Its custard-like texture makes it a popular ingredient in sweet beverages, ice creams, and sorbets.

Soursop's distinctive taste makes it a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savoury dishes. It pairs wonderfully with other tropical fruits in salads and is a delightful addition to cocktails and fruit punches. In culinary applications, soursop can be used to create unique sauces and marinades that complement seafood or poultry. Its creamy texture and sweet profile also lend themselves to exotic desserts, custards, and pastry fillings.