Snake Fruit

Sale price£2.45

Snake fruit, also known as salak, is a distinct tropical fruit native to Indonesia. It earns its name from its reddish-brown scaly skin, resembling the skin of a snake. The flesh inside is divided into cloves, similar to garlic, but is sweet and tangy with a crunchy texture. Snake fruit is a good source of dietary fibre, protein, and various nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and iron, making it not only a tasty but also a nutritious snack.

To eat snake fruit, first peel back the tough, scaly skin, which typically comes off quite easily. Inside, you'll find the edible lobes, which contain a hard, inedible seed in the middle. The flesh can be eaten raw and is often described as having a flavour reminiscent of apples and bananas with a hint of citrus and pineapple. It's crunchy and slightly astringent.

The unique taste and texture of snake fruit make it an intriguing ingredient in the culinary world. It can be eaten on its own as a snack, added to fruit salads, or used to make jams and syrups. In Indonesia, it's often pickled, candied, or made into a wine. Its crunchy texture also makes it a novel addition to desserts, where it can be used similarly to nuts for a textural contrast.

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