
Sale price£0.75

Satsumas are a type of mandarin orange known for their easy-to-peel skin, sweet flavour, and seedless nature. These citrus fruits are highly favoured for their refreshing taste and are a popular choice for snacking and culinary use.

To enjoy Satsumas, simply peel away the loose, thin skin to reveal the tender, segmented fruit inside. The absence of seeds and the effortless separation into individual segments make them convenient to eat, whether as a quick, on-the-go snack or as a flavorful addition to various culinary creations.

Satsumas offer versatile enjoyment possibilities. Their sweet and tangy flavour makes them a delightful addition to fruit salads, providing a burst of citrusy juiciness. They can also be used to infuse flavour into baked goods, such as cakes and muffins, or incorporated into savoury dishes for a hint of sweetness. Moreover, their juice is prized for its refreshing taste and can be enjoyed on its own, used in smoothies, or included in marinades and dressings to add a bright, citrusy kick to dishes.

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