
Sale price£1.45

Quince is a fragrant and flavoursome fruit known for its golden-yellow colour and distinct aroma. Referred to as the "golden apple," the quince is prized for its enticing fragrance and its versatility in culinary applications.

Quince is best enjoyed when cooked, as its firm and astringent flesh is not typically consumed raw. It can be transformed into delectable preserves, jams, and jellies, or used to infuse its unique flavor into various dishes and desserts.

Quince offers a wide range of culinary possibilities. Whether used to create fragrant and tangy jams, added to fruit compotes for a hint of exotic sweetness, or incorporated into baked goods such as pies, tarts, and crumbles for a delightful burst of flavour, quince adds a unique and aromatic touch to a variety of recipes. Additionally, quince can be used to create savoury sauces and glazes or infused into beverages and cocktails, imparting a distinctive and sophisticated flavour profile to a range of refreshing drinks.

Size: Single