Passion Fruit

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Passion fruit, known for its aromatic and intense flavour, is a small, round fruit with a tough outer rind that is either dark purple or yellow when ripe. The interior is filled with a mass of seeds surrounded by fragrant, jelly-like pulp. The flavour of passion fruit is a unique combination of sweet and tart, reminiscent of guava, citrus, and pineapple. It's highly nutritious, offering a rich source of vitamin C, dietary fibre, and antioxidants, making it a healthful addition to any diet.

To eat passion fruit, simply cut the fruit in half and scoop out the seeds and pulp with a spoon. The seeds are edible and add a pleasant crunch to the tart, aromatic pulp. Passion fruit can be enjoyed on its own or used to enhance the flavour of yoghurts, desserts, salads, and beverages.

Passion fruit's bold and tangy taste makes it an exciting ingredient for culinary use. It's commonly used in fruit salads, smoothies, and cocktails for a tropical flair. Passion fruit pulp can also be used in desserts like mousses, tarts, and pavlovas, adding a vibrant flavour and texture. Additionally, its intense, tangy taste complements savoury dishes, such as glazes for meats or in salad dressings, bringing a unique and exotic twist to the recipes.

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