Medjool Dates

Sale price£6.95

Medjool dates are a type of large, sweet, and succulent dates with a caramel-like taste and a soft, chewy texture. They are known for their rich flavour and are prized for their high nutritional value, making them a popular choice for snacking and cooking.

Medjool dates can be enjoyed on their own as a delicious and nutritious snack. To eat them, simply remove the pit and enjoy the soft, sweet flesh. They can also be incorporated into various recipes, adding natural sweetness and a rich flavour profile to both sweet and savoury dishes.

These delectable dates can be stuffed with nuts or cheese, wrapped in bacon, or blended into smoothies and shakes for a nutritious boost. They are also commonly used in baking, adding sweetness and moisture to cakes, cookies, and energy bars. Furthermore, they can be chopped and sprinkled over salads, yoghurt, or oatmeal for a sweet twist.

Size: 450g