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Mangosteen, often hailed as the "queen of fruits," is a tropical delicacy with a unique appearance and exquisite flavour. The fruit features a thick, purple rind and a soft, segmented white interior. Each segment is juicy and sweet, with a subtle acidity, reminiscent of a mix between peach, pineapple, and strawberry flavours. Mangosteen is not just prized for its taste; it's also rich in vitamins C and A, dietary fibre, and boasts a high concentration of antioxidants, particularly xanthones, which are known for their health benefits.

To enjoy mangosteen, hold the fruit and apply pressure to the rind until it cracks, then twist it open to reveal the soft, edible segments inside. The flesh can be eaten as is, and it's typically seedless, although some segments may contain a non-edible seed. The rind is tough and bitter and is generally not consumed.

Mangosteen's sweet and tangy flavour makes it a delightful addition to fruit salads, desserts, and exotic beverages. Its unique taste can be a stand-alone star in sorbets, smoothies, or fruit cocktails. In South East Asia, mangosteen is also used in savoury dishes, where it lends a subtle sweetness to balance spicy or rich flavours. Additionally, mangosteen can be incorporated into jellies, jams, and syrups, offering a distinct tropical essence.

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