Large Navel Orange

Sale price£0.95

Large navel oranges are a popular citrus fruit known for their bright orange colour, sweet flavour, and easy-to-peel, seedless nature. These oranges are characterized by the distinctive "navel" at the blossom end, which is a second fruit that develops within the more giant orange, often making them easier to peel.

To enjoy a large navel orange, peel away the bright orange rind to reveal the juicy, segmented flesh inside. The absence of seeds and the ease of separation into individual segments make them convenient to eat, whether as a quick snack or a flavorful addition to dishes and beverages.

Large navel oranges are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. They can be eaten fresh as a standalone snack, providing a burst of sweet and tangy juice with every bite. The segments can be added to fruit salads, used as a topping for yoghurt or oatmeal, or incorporated into desserts such as cakes and tarts to infuse a citrusy brightness. Additionally, their juice is often used in beverages, from freshly squeezed orange juice to cocktails and mocktails, adding a refreshing and zesty flavour to drinks.

Size: Single