Large African Avocado

Sale price£3.95

The large African avocado, commonly grown in regions of Africa, is notable for its size and smooth, green skin that remains green even when ripe. Its creamy, buttery flesh boasts a rich, nutty flavour and a high oil content, contributing to its smooth texture. Nutritionally dense, it contains healthy fats, vitamins (such as K, E, and C), minerals like potassium, and high fibre content.

To enjoy African avocados, cut them lengthwise around the pit, twist the halves apart, and remove the pit. The creamy flesh can then be scooped out from the peel and enjoyed in various ways, such as being mashed and spread on toast, sliced for sandwiches and salads, or used to make guacamole.

The large African avocado is versatile in culinary applications. Its creamy texture makes it ideal for spreads and dips like guacamole and as a rich addition to sandwiches, wraps, and salads. It can also be used as a garnish or an ingredient in soups and stews. Additionally, its rich flavour makes it popular in smoothies and as a substitute for fats like butter in baking, adding both nutritional value and a luxurious texture to many dishes.

Size: Single