
Sale price£4.95

Kumquats are small, oval citrus fruits with a distinctive feature: their sweet, edible skin contrasts with the tart, juicy flesh inside. Originating from Asia, these tiny fruits are often eaten whole and are a burst of sweet and sour flavours in a single bite. They are rich in vitamin C, dietary fibre, and essential antioxidants, making them not only a delicious snack but also a healthful choice.

Kumquats are unique in that you can eat them whole – skin and all. The skin imparts a sweet flavour, which balances the tangy flesh inside. Simply wash the fruit and enjoy it raw, or slice it to add a zesty accent to salads and desserts. Remember, the seeds are edible but can be slightly bitter, so they are often removed before eating.

The vibrant taste of kumquats makes them a versatile addition to a variety of dishes. They can be candied for a sweet treat, used in marmalades and preserves, or added to baked goods for a citrusy zest. Kumquats also pair beautifully with rich meats like duck and pork, offering a tangy contrast. In beverages, they can be muddled into cocktails or infused in teas for a refreshing citrus twist.

Size: 250g