Kiwi Berries

Sale price£4.95

Kiwi berries, also known as hardy kiwi or baby kiwi, are a small, smooth-skinned fruit that closely resembles the traditional kiwifruit but is typically about the size of a grape. They are known for their unique combination of sweet and tangy flavours, making them a delightful and distinctive addition to the fruit world.

Kiwi berries are best enjoyed fresh to fully experience their sweet and tangy taste. Simply rinse the berries under cold water to clean them, and they can be eaten whole, skin and all, or sliced based on personal preference. Their small size and smooth skin make them a convenient and delightful snack or addition to salads and desserts.

Kiwi berries offer a unique twist in both sweet and savoury culinary endeavours. They can be enjoyed on their own as a refreshing snack, or incorporated into fruit salads, where their sweet and tangy flavours can add a delightful contrast. Additionally, they can be used in desserts such as tarts, pies, and cakes, providing a burst of flavour and a visually appealing element. Their unique taste also makes them a versatile ingredient in smoothies, jams, and preserves, and they can even be used as a garnish for cocktails or fruit-infused water, adding a touch of sophistication to beverages.