
Sale price£0.75

Kiwi, or green kiwi, is a small fruit with a distinct appearance. It features fuzzy brown skin and bright green flesh speckled with tiny black seeds. Its flavour is a unique combination of sweetness and tartness, often compared to a blend of strawberries, bananas, and melons. Kiwi is renowned for its high vitamin C content, surpassing even oranges. It's also a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin K, and several other vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious and delicious choice.

Kiwi can be enjoyed in various ways. The simplest method is to slice the fruit in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. The skin is edible, so you can also eat kiwi like an apple after washing it. Alternatively, peel the skin and slice or cube the flesh for use in fruit salads, desserts, or as a topping for breakfast dishes like porridge or yoghurt.

Kiwi's sweet-tart flavour makes it a versatile addition to many dishes. It can be used in fruit salads, smoothies, and juices, where it adds a vibrant colour and a refreshing taste. Kiwi also complements desserts like tarts, pavlovas, and cheesecakes. In savoury dishes, kiwi can be used in salsas or as a tenderiser for meats due to its natural enzymes. Its bright flavour also works well in marinades and dressings.

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