Kiwano Melon

Sale price£4.95

Kiwano melon, also known as horned melon or jelly melon, is an exotic fruit recognized by its vibrant orange skin adorned with spiky horns. Inside, it houses a bright green, jelly-like flesh filled with cucumber-like seeds. The flavour of kiwano is a unique combination of banana, cucumber, and lime, offering a mild and slightly tangy taste. This visually striking fruit is not only a feast for the eyes but also for the body, as it's rich in vitamin C, dietary fibre, and minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

Eating kiwano melon is a delightful experience. Slice the fruit in half and scoop out the soft, seed-filled pulp with a spoon. The seeds are edible so that you can enjoy the entire pulp. The fruit can be eaten as is or added to salads, salsas, and desserts for a unique tropical twist. It also makes a visually appealing garnish for cocktails and other beverages.

The subtle, refreshing taste of kiwano melon makes it a versatile addition to a variety of dishes. Its jelly-like texture is perfect for fruit salads, smoothies, and sorbets, where it adds a unique flavour and visual appeal. Kiwano can also be used in savoury dishes, such as dressings for salads or as an accompaniment to seafood. In addition, its intriguing appearance and mild taste make it a popular choice for creative dessert presentations.

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