Key Limes

Sale price£0.75

Key limes, scientifically known as Citrus aurantiifolia, are small, round citrus fruits with bright green skin. They are renowned for their intense and zesty flavour, which is both sweeter and more aromatic than the larger Persian limes. The flesh of key limes is juicy and tender, and it contains small seeds. Key limes are a rich source of vitamin C, providing a boost of immunity, and they add a burst of refreshing citrusy taste to a variety of dishes and beverages.

Key limes are commonly used in culinary applications, and their juice is often extracted for its tangy and aromatic flavour. The juice can be used as a key ingredient in various recipes, including desserts, salad dressings, marinades, and beverages. The zest of key limes, with its strong citrus aroma, is also prized for adding flavour to dishes.

Key limes are celebrated for their role in creating the classic Key Lime Pie, a sweet and tangy dessert with a crumbly crust. They are also a key component in refreshing cocktails like Margaritas and daiquiris, providing a unique and zesty twist to the drink. In savoury cuisine, key lime juice can be used to marinate seafood, adding a delightful citrusy kick. Additionally, key lime zest can be used as a flavourful garnish for dishes and desserts.

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