Jelly Coconut

Sale price£5.45

Jelly coconuts, also known as young green coconuts, are a tropical delight that offers a refreshing and hydrating experience. These youthful coconuts are prized for their clear and sweet coconut water, which is not only delicious but also packed with essential electrolytes and minerals.

To enjoy jelly coconuts, simply pierce through the soft husk and savour the clear and revitalizing coconut water inside. It's a perfect thirst-quencher on a hot day and a natural alternative to sugary sports drinks. The tender and jelly-like coconut flesh inside can be scooped out and enjoyed as a snack or added to smoothies for a creamy and tropical twist.

Jelly coconuts are not only a source of hydration but also a versatile ingredient in tropical cuisine. You can use the coconut water and flesh to add a touch of the tropics to your dishes and beverages. From refreshing cocktails to exotic desserts, jelly coconuts elevate the flavours of your culinary creations.

Indulge in the tropical goodness of jelly coconuts and experience the natural benefits of this delightful fruit. It's a taste of paradise in every sip and bite!

Size: Single