Honeyglow Pineapple

Sale price£5.95

The Honeyglow Pineapple, a product by Fresh Del Monte, is a radiant and sweet variety of pineapple renowned for its exceptional flavour and quality. Hand-harvested at peak sweetness and ripeness from sustainably grown certified farms in Costa Rica, it stands out as a premium offering, representing the finest in pineapple fruit.

To enjoy the Honeyglow Pineapple, simply cut open the distinctive honey-coloured shell to reveal the golden goodness within. The pineapple is known for its tender, succulent flesh and is best enjoyed fresh, either on its own or as a delightful addition to various culinary creations.

The Honeyglow Pineapple offers a multitude of ways to be enjoyed. Whether incorporated into fruit salads, used as a topping for pizzas, or as an elegant drink garnish, the pineapple adds a burst of sweet flavour and is an ideal addition to a balanced, healthy diet. Additionally, the product's website provides a variety of tantalizing recipes such as Honeyglow Pineapple Poke Cake, Honeyglow Pineapple Delight, and Honeyglow Piña Colada Cheesecake Mousse, offering a range of sweet ways to savour this exquisite pineapple.

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