Honey Mango

Sale price£4.75

Honey mangoes, also known as Ataulfo mangoes, are a tropical delight known for their creamy texture and rich, sweet flavour. These mangoes, with their small, golden form, are a favourite among mango aficionados for their delectable taste and smooth consistency.

Indulging in honey mangoes not only satisfies your sweet cravings but also offers essential nutrients. These mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and are known for their immune-boosting properties and skin-enhancing benefits. They also provide vitamin A, supporting eye health and overall well-being. Additionally, honey mangoes contain dietary fibre, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness.

Enjoying the creamy sweetness of honey mangoes is a simple pleasure. Simply slice the mango and scoop out the luscious flesh to relish it as a delightful snack. Honey mangoes can also be used to create creamy mango smoothies, tropical fruit salsas, or added to yogurt for a sweet and tangy twist.

Honey mangoes are a versatile ingredient that can enhance a variety of culinary creations. Use them to make refreshing mango popsicles, add them to tropical fruit salads, or incorporate them into savory dishes like mango chicken curry. Their smooth texture and sweet flavor make them a delightful addition to any fruit collection.

Size: Single