
Sale price£2.25

Granadillo, a close relative of the passion fruit, is a tropical delight known for its glossy orange skin and sweet, aromatic pulp. The inside of the fruit is filled with black seeds encased in a jelly-like, orange flesh. The taste of granadillo is sweet and tangy, often described as a blend of citrus with hints of pineapple and papaya. Rich in vitamins A and C, dietary fibre, and antioxidants, granadillo is not only delicious but also offers several health benefits.

Eating granadillo is straightforward and enjoyable. Simply cut the fruit in half and scoop out the fragrant, seed-filled pulp with a spoon. The seeds are edible and add a pleasant crunch to the soft, juicy flesh. Granadillo can be eaten on its own, used as a topping for yoghurts and desserts, or added to drinks and smoothies for a burst of tropical flavour.

Granadillo's distinctive sweet-tangy flavour makes it a versatile fruit for culinary use. It's a fantastic addition to fruit salads, enhancing the taste with its unique flavour profile. In desserts, granadillo pulp can be used in mousses, cheesecakes, or as a topping for pavlovas. It also pairs well with savoury dishes, such as in salad dressings or as a glaze for grilled meats, offering a refreshing tropical twist.

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