Flat Peach

Sale price£1.25

The flat peach, also known as the donut peach or Saturn peach, is a distinct variation of the traditional peach. Its unique flat shape and light fuzz give it an instantly recognizable appearance. With a sweet and juicy flavor, the flat peach offers a delightful twist on the classic peach experience, making it a sought-after choice for fruit enthusiasts. Its tender texture and flavorful profile make it a refreshing and enjoyable option for peach lovers.

Indulging in a flat peach is a delightful experience. Simply rinse the fruit under cold water, then bite into its juicy flesh or slice it for a convenient and succulent snack. The thin, edible skin of the flat peach adds a subtle texture and flavor, enhancing the overall sensory experience of enjoying this distinct variety of peach.

Flat peaches can be enjoyed in various ways. Whether eaten fresh as a standalone snack, sliced over yogurt for a delightful breakfast, blended into smoothies for a refreshing beverage, or incorporated into fruit salads and desserts, flat peaches bring a unique visual and gustatory appeal to a wide array of culinary creations. Their flattened shape also makes them an ideal choice for grilling and incorporating into savory dishes, offering a sweet and unexpected twist to savory recipes.

Size: Single