Flat Nectarine

Sale price£1.25

The flat nectarine, also known as the "pancake nectarine," is a unique and delightful variety of nectarine characterized by its flattened shape. With a sweet and juicy flavour, the flat nectarine offers a distinctive taste experience that sets it apart from traditional nectarines. Its smooth skin, vibrant colour, and unusual shape make it an intriguing addition to any fruit collection.

Flat nectarines provide essential vitamins and antioxidants, making them a nutritious choice. They are a good source of vitamin C, known for its immune-boosting properties, and vitamin A, which supports healthy skin and vision. Additionally, the unique shape and flavour of flat nectarines make them an appealing and nutritious addition to your diet.

To savour a flat nectarine, simply wash it thoroughly and indulge in its sweet and juicy flesh. The fruit's flattened shape offers a unique tactile experience, and its delightful flavour makes each bite a memorable one. Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack or incorporated into culinary creations, the flat nectarine promises a delightful sensory adventure.

The distinctive shape and flavour of flat nectarines make them a versatile addition to various culinary creations. Slice them and add them to fruit salads for added visual appeal and taste, blend them into smoothies for a refreshing twist, or use them in baking to create unique and visually appealing desserts. The flat shape of the fruit also makes it an excellent choice for grilling, as it caramelizes beautifully, enhancing its sweetness and making it a delightful accompaniment to a variety of dishes.

Size: Single