Cacao Fruit

Sale price£19.95

Cacao fruit, from which chocolate is derived, grows on the Theobroma cacao tree. The fruit is typically elongated, football-shaped, and ranges in colour from yellow to orange and red to purple when ripe. Inside, it contains a series of seeds, or cacao beans, surrounded by a sweet, white, fibrous pulp. This pulp has a tropical flavour, often described as a mix of lychee, banana, and mango, with a slightly tangy undertone. The seeds themselves are bitter before processing. Cacao is rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, and contains several essential minerals like magnesium and iron.

To consume cacao fruit, the pod is cut open to reveal the beans encased in the sweet, white pulp. The pulp can be eaten directly and is often enjoyed for its unique flavour. The cacao beans are typically bitter and are not eaten raw; instead, they are fermented, dried, roasted, and ground to produce cocoa and chocolate products.

While cacao is best known for its processed form as chocolate, the fresh pulp around the beans can be used in culinary applications. It can be made into juices, smoothies, or used as a natural sweetener. The pulp's exotic flavour lends itself well to tropical fruit dishes, desserts, and even cocktails. In its processed form, cacao is incredibly versatile, used in a wide range of sweet and savoury dishes, from confectionery and baked goods to rich sauces and moles.

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