
Sale price£4.95

Atemoya is a delightful hybrid fruit, a fusion of cherimoya and sugar apple (sweetsop), resulting in a heart-shaped treasure with pale green to blue-green skin and a slightly bumpy texture. The flesh of atemoya is creamy and smooth, offering a unique taste that combines the tropical sweetness of sugar apple with the subtle tartness of cherimoya. Often described as a harmonious blend of pineapple, banana, and vanilla flavours, atemoya is not just delicious; it's also a nutritious powerhouse, providing a rich source of vitamin C, dietary fibre, and essential minerals.

Eating atemoya is simple and enjoyable. Cut the fruit in half to reveal the creamy white interior, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. The flesh is typically seedless or contains a few large, inedible seeds. Atemoya can be eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, or blended into smoothies and shakes. Its custard-like texture also makes it a great choice for desserts such as mousses and puddings.

Atemoya's rich and nuanced flavour profile makes it a versatile fruit for culinary experimentation. Its natural sweetness enhances desserts, including ice creams and sorbets. The fruit pairs well with other tropical ingredients in salads and smoothies. In addition to sweet dishes, atemoya can be a unique addition to savoury recipes, such as salsas and sauces, where it adds a touch of exotic sweetness.

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