French Cantaloupe - Charentais Melon

Sale price£6.95

The Charentais melon, also known as the French cantaloupe, is a small to medium-sized melon prized for its exceptionally sweet and aromatic orange flesh. This melon variety is celebrated for its delightful fragrance, tender texture, and exquisite flavour, making it a sought-after delicacy.

To savour the Charentais melon, carefully cut the fruit into halves or slices, remove the seeds, and then enjoy the succulent flesh directly from the rind. Its luscious and aromatic flesh can be relished independently or incorporated into various culinary applications.

The Charentais melon is a gourmet delight that can be enjoyed in various ways. It is commonly savoured fresh as a standalone dessert or snack, allowing its exceptional sweetness and fragrance to be fully appreciated. The melon's tender and juicy flesh makes it a perfect addition to fruit salads, where it infuses a rich and aromatic flavour. Due to its intense sweetness and captivating aroma, Charentais melon is often used in sorbets, granitas, and fruit-based desserts, highlighting its luxurious and indulgent nature. Furthermore, its exquisite flavour makes it an excellent candidate for pairing with prosciutto or other cured meats in appetizers, creating a delightful contrast of flavours.